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What is your most memorable experience with a Escorts in Haridwar ?

0 Comments | Ronikka Singh | 10-03-2025

What's your most memorable experience with a Escorts in Haridwar? Unfortunately my most memorable was both a wonderful and horrible experience with a prostitute.One very cold, dark, December afternoon while driving home from work stopped at a traffic light a “Young Girl” walked up to my car. I was not looking to pick up a prostitute but she looked very normal, like someone who also just gotten out of work also. I rolled down the window and she asked if she could get in out of the cold and could I give her a ride.

After she hopped in I noticed she had the most gorgeous Auburn hair that went all the way to her hips, very very green eyes, creamy white skin with a light sprinkling of freckles. The only thing she wore up top was a light sweater that clung on to one heck of a bra less chest. When I pulled away I asked her where she was going and she said she did not care as long as she could get warm in my car. She said she was going back and forth on that road waiting to get into work.

Well for the next 10 minuets or so I got the “Story” She had just been let out of jail that morning had no money, did not want to but was trying to get into the whore house she used to work at before she got locked up but it was early and could not get in. Now I am truly a sucker for a “Damsel in Distress” So I asked her if she was hungry and she said she had only eaten some of the plain oat meal they gave to her for breakfast. So I said, why don’t you come home with me and I’ll find something for us to eat.

When we got back to my place about the only thing I had in my freezer were some high end steaks somebody sent me for Christmas. So I cooked them up made some powdered mashed potato opened up a can white corn and started to make us something to eat. While this was going on she asked if I would mind if she took a hot shower which I said please make yourself at home, I got her a clean towel, wash cloth and some girly shampoo left over from my last girl friend, I lent her my razor which I put a fresh blade in. While she was in there I finished up the steaks and set the table, opened up a bottle of pretty good wine (another Christmas present), left on the bathroom door my old girlfriends robe as I was washing her clothes for her.

About the time she got out of the shower, the steaks were done and the smell filled my apartment. She came running in the kitchen, not believing the smell.

I must say this girl must have come from a good home, at dinner she was very well spoken, with good table manners, very smart and could hold a great dinner conversation. I must say if I had not heard her sad story it would have been one of the nicest dinner dates I ever had. How ever she had more of the story. She was a honors student in high school until the drugs started within a few months she dropped out, then her parents threw her out she was working in the whore house when she got picked up on a drug charge and was sent to jail. She got out that morning and could not get into the whore house till evening but did have an appointment at a rehab place in town which her parents were willing to pay for, but the earliest she could get in was the next day. (Now I am sorry I gave her that expensive wine but It did not seem to trigger her drug use in any way.

She told me she was a singer in her high school band and played the sax. I asked her to sing for me and she did have a wonderful sweet clear voice. She sang for me for a good twenty minutes one song sweeter than the next. She even knew in Italian a old folk song my mom used to sing.

After dinner I asked if she wanted a ride back and she begged me to to sleep on the couch as she did not want to go back to the house because she had to earn her keep there one way or another.. I said sure, I only had valuables that were locked away, anything else she could steal, I would not have missed. So I offered her to sleep in my bed and I could see in her eyes that she thought I wanted to have sex with her, before I could say that I would take the couch. I knew she had not slept in a good bed since she was locked up and I had sworn off having sex with prostitutes after a couple of bad experiences.

After a few more songs, I made sure that I accidentally on purpose knocked over the wine so she was not triggered by the alcohol, I changed the sheets, took her clothes out of the dryer gave her a Teddy to wear and a robe as that was the only sleepwear my girl left behind. At which point I really wanted to tuck her in but resisted. I did knock on her door a little later, asked if she was decent and brought in some Italian Christmas cookies to eat and a glass of milk. As I turned to leave she asked if she could give me a hug I said sure she was sitting up in bed looking like a dream, I walked over gave her a hug, I stroked he hair she smelled of girly shampoo, Christmas cookies and tooth paste as I had a spare brush. I got an instant erection, God I did not want to let go but I did.

About an hr. later I was half asleep and I heard her very quietly stirring around, I thought for sure she was looking for something to steal and then sneak out. I heard my bedroom door open and could see her in the light from my Christmas tree walking over to me in the dark with just the teddy on, she had no underware when I did her laundry and she had not put on the robe. She did however have one freshly shaved vagina. She came knelt down by my head and just hugged me and started to cry. She told me I was like a Christmas Angel, my face was in her luscious chest and she asked how she could thank me. I said the best Christmas gift she could give me was to go to rehab tomorrow kick the drugs and finish her life out happy. She held me for a few min. and I told her she better go back to bed before I did something that I really wanted to do. She laughed through her tears kissed my forehead and went back to bed.

That girl must have slept for 14 hrs. When she finally woke up we went to breakfast as my refrigerator was bare. She probably didn’t know it but guys were staring at her she as was looking like a 1950’s sweater girl sitting there, Even women noticed her I caught a few of them glancing over and another pointed her out to her friend.

It was a work day but I took the day off as I wanted to make sure I got her to rehab later that day. About a block from where the rehab place was she asked me to pull over for a min. She had written down her parents number (this was before cell phones). I mentioned that I did not even know her name we both laughed as she told me she did not know mine either. She told me to wait 7 months and give her a call. She said her rehab was 6 months and she did not want her parents to hear her talking to men right out of rehab as they would go crazy if she did.

So I dropped her off she started to cry again when she hugged me good by, I could still smell her girly shampoo and her hair shimmered in the sun. As she went in she turned and blew me a kiss waved and disappeared inside.

Well I immediately started counting the days, 2 days short of the 7 months I could not take it any longer and called her parents who were 3 states away. Her father answered the phone I introduced my self and asked if Theresa was available to speak with me. Well the phone dropped and I could hear him call out Rosa that man that helped Theresa is on the phone. I could tell from his voice something was very very wrong. Her mom came to the phone and holding back the tears she told me that Theresa had passed away while in rehab, now the tears came out she sobbed as she told me that she had written them all about our night together, how I was a perfect Gentleman and was looking forward to thanking me again and hopefully seeing me. She then explained that she passed away from a heart issue related to her drug use even though she had stopped using while she was in jail did not want to use again but that did not matter.

I sincerely gave my condolences holding back my tears, we talked for a few more min. and then her mom told me that she was still 18 when she died, before she passed she mentioned that it would probably never happen, but she prayed that when she got her act together that we would somehow get together and who knows, even though I was much older than her it would work out as I treated her a total stranger like a lifelong friend.

Little did her mom know but there is nothing in the world I would have wanted more than to have a relationship with he daughter. I know that it probably would not work out as most drug addicts do relapse and drugs is something that I can not tolerate (past experiences) and the age difference, I was over 3 times her age but it truly was love at first sight for me and I know for her.

Over the next few years I would call her parents up every so often, I kind of felt bad because every time they heard my voice I could hear that they wanted to cry. On my last call I told her dad I was taking a road trip that fall and would like to visit them and see Theresa’s grave, her Dad said sure he would really like to meet me but his wife had died, I did not know it but she was battling cancer for a few years it was in remission but came back with a vengeance and died within a few weeks of the Dr. telling them. I told him I would wait a few extra months he said great, he didn’t think he could go to the family grave just yet seeing his daughter and wife buried so soon.

Just a couple of short weeks later I got a call from her parents neighbor telling me her Dad had passed away. I asked from what and she said never mind what the doctors said she knows it was a broken heart. Just a day before he died he gave her a envelope with my name and phone number inside with a brief story of who I was and to call me and to send me a picture of the 3 of them that was on the fireplace mantel. He told her to please not open it unless something happened to him. She told me she remembered taking that picture when Theresa was about 14, it was taken in her back yard on Memorial Day they were having a cook out. It was the last known picture taken of Theresa.

So this is my most memorable story of a prostitute. I think about her everyday and though I knew her for less than 24 hrs. I cared for her as much or more than anyone in my life. I look at their picture as I write this and wonder what could have been. One thing I am sure of is I am so glad I did not have sex with her that night as I think the dynamic of what we had would have changed and I don’t even know what dynamic we had..

Goodby Theresa, Goodby Rosa, Goodby Ralph, I am pretty sure there is a heaven and I truly hope to meet you all there someday.

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